Our Com Groote Big

The Clinical Research Site (CRS) at the Old Main Building of Groote Schuur Hospital is a nationally accredited site that forms part of the University of Cape Town Clinical Trials Unit. The study team consists of research investigators and study coordinators who manage pharmaceutical and investigator-driven clinical trials in both HIV prevention and treatment.

The CRS was the first clinic to offer life-saving antiretroviral therapy to public sector patients through clinical drug trials in the 1990s when treatment was unaffordable in the global South. It became the first dedicated HIV clinic in Cape Town, providing palliative, compassionate care in its early years, followed by the introduction of antiretroviral therapy in the mid-1990s.

Since the beginning of the programme, the clinic has managed over 60 pharmaceutical and investigator-driven clinical trials in both HIV prevention and treatment. It also carries out antiretroviral pharmaceutical drug trials for GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Bristol-Myers Squibb, ViiV Healthcare and Gilead, amongst others.  

Due to its proximity to Groote Schuur Hospital, the CRS also specialises in prevention studies that require the clinical environment as well as the diagnostic and interventional resources that a world-class academic hospital can offer.

The GSH CRS has established relationships with the LGBTQI+ community in Cape Town and the Western Cape (reaching as far as the Karoo), and as a result was the only site in Africa to participant in the injectable CAB trial HPTN083. The unit has extended the reach into the community, supporting the set up and maintenance of various Safe Spaces for Trans, Gender Diverse and MSM members of the communities we serve. The recently expanded LGBT+ Health Division is currently maintaining these spaces.
In 2013, the CRS partnered with the University of Cape Town to establish an expanded trials unit at the Old Main Building of Groote Schuur Hospital, comprised of consulting and counselling rooms, a dedicated pharmacy and laboratory and a 24 bed-unit used for PK and Phase 1 work. We specialize in Phase 1 First in Human clinical trials, and have an advantage of being so close to the Groote Schuur Hospital that we are able to manage participants well, and engage with tertiary and private hospitals for specialized procedures such as colposcopy and leukapharesis.
Contact Person: Monica Vogt


J52 Old Main Building
Groote Schuur Hospital
Main Road
Cape Town