The DTHC/DTHF TB Division work extends across the foundation’s sites, including TB vaccine studies at the Emavundleni and Groote Schuur sites, and clinical and epidemiology studies at Philippi Village, Masiphumelele and the Eastern Cape sites. This work is closely related to the TB Aerobiology Unit work in Masiphumelele.


For more information on current and ongoing research please see the information provided in our most recent annual review:

Annual Review — 2023/2024


Some key facts about tuberculosis (TB) in South Africa:

  1. High Burden: South Africa is one of the countries with the highest TB burden globally. It is among the top 30 high TB burden countries identified by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  2. HIV Co-infection: Approximately 60% of TB patients in South Africa are also living with HIV, making TB the leading cause of death among people with HIV.
  3. Drug-Resistant TB: South Africa faces significant challenges with multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), which are more difficult and costly to treat.
  4. Incidence Rate: In 2021, South Africa had an estimated TB incidence rate of 328 cases per 100,000 people.
  5. Mortality Rate: TB is a leading cause of death in South Africa, contributing to a substantial number of the country’s annual mortality.
  6. Screening and Diagnosis: The country has made significant strides in improving TB screening and diagnosis, with the introduction of rapid molecular diagnostic tools like the GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay.
  7. TB Treatment: The South African government provides free TB treatment through its public health system, which includes a standardized regimen for drug-sensitive TB and specialized treatment for drug-resistant TB.
  8. Community Health Workers: Community health workers play a crucial role in TB control, conducting door-to-door screenings, providing treatment support, and raising awareness about TB prevention and treatment.